Terawang or Karawang and Songket Benang Emas or perak, Suji cair and Suji kepalo samek West Sumatera

Terawang or Karawang

This Embroidery not from Karawang, West Java but still from West Sumatera. The Tarawang or karang is open work embroidery, made by pulling out either the weft or the warp thread and then the remaining thread is sewn and tied creating fine mesh-work pattern. there are several named of Terawang according to the formed of the pattern such as terawang cabut, terawang papan, terawang pukat and others. Mostly the tarawang are used for interior decoration for tablecloth and others.

Suji Batatiak

Batatiak in Minangkabau word is means tied, this technique is almost similar with Aceh tekat technique using gold thread laid upon the patterned surface of material, and then are tied on, using plain stitches.

Songket Benang Emas or perak

West Sumatera is famous with songket From Pande Singkek, Kota Gadang, Payakumbuh, Silungkang, Sungayang and many others. In songket     

Gebyar Adi Surya Sulam Indonesia, Produk Budaya Indonesia Kreatif Sekarang dan yang Akan Datang, 2009

Suji cair

Suji means embroidery and cair means the embroidery that look like a melted liquid water. This technique is using colored thread arranged is gradation color from light to deep colors. The colored thread is stitched in a short and long stitch making a gradation of colors effect. This technique is same as it used in Chinese embroidery. In West Sumatera, mostly applied in a shawl.
A small purse and a shawl decorated with suji cair embroidery are bride anak daro with suji cair present for the bridegroom or marapulai in wedding ceremonies in Kota Gadang. These two present are used by the marapulai in the ceremony visit to his mother house after the wedding celebration.

Suji kepalo samek

This pinhead technique embroidery is also called the Chinese stitch or French knot, it might be this technique originally developed in this two countries. There are two kinds of suji kepalo samek, the thread is looped just one around the needle, will from a small pinhead-sized circle and the other is the thread is looped twice around the needle, produce a small round knot.


Gebyar Adi Surya Sulam Indonesia, Produk Budaya Indonesia Kreatif Sekarang dan yang Akan Datang, 2009

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