Songket and Embroidery Traditional of Nusa Tenggara Barat

The Lombok and Sumbawa region of Nusa Tenggara Barat shows the Islamic art on their costumer and traditional textiles. In Lombok, where most of people are moslems, there are several kind of songket that has colorful patterns such as sarung with islamic characer called the geometrical line in the stylize of floral motifs, the subhnale means The Allmighty God.

In the history of Sumbawa region there were here kingdoms ruled in this region, which were the kingdom of Sumbawa Besar, Dompu and Bima. The influences are reflected in their traditional costumers. In Sumbawa taditional costume they thread embroidery with spreading flowers motifs placed in the center part and around edges of the clothes which called klengkam. The typical motifs are shown in the decoration songket sarung.

Gebyar Adi Kriya SUlam Indonesia (Produk Budaya Indonesia Kreatif Sekarang dan yang akan Datang) Jakarta, 24 April 2009.

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