Dani people And some of the tribes that inhabit the Central Mountains of Papua , home Honai has long been known in Jayawijaya. Which is designed as a home Honai specific which protect from cold. Currently Honai built according with traditions and local conditions . Morphology , Honai word formed from two words. The first was the " Hun " males and " Ai " means home . Literally , Honai Means houses adult male. Not only men, women also have Honai Just What different term . For women , Honai called " Ebeai " . As Honai , Ebeai consists of two words , namely " Ebe " or in the sense of the presence of the Body and " Ai " means home.
People Lani has three houses Honai. honai Yang to review men - men , women and Honai to review provide food special Honai to raise animals such as pigs . Speculation that many indigenous people in Papua can sleep with their Animals. Of course this assumptions  not true because they have their own Honai for livestock such as pigs.

In formulating the war and the traditional custom party , people used to do in Papua Honai adult men, precisely in the basement. Discussions , democracy , dialogue and debate about the economy , the security of the region , share experiences and think about the survival usually didialogkan. Under bagain Honai also used for storage treasure. for Dani people, the bottom Honai often used to store mummies. while the bedrooms are on the top section and ebeai Honai.

Interestingly , Honai and Ebeai has a special education. Honai adult male to male adults and adolescents. There they ( teenagers are taught about a lot of things to prepare for life when it reaches adulthood. Honai should not be occupied by women.
Ebeai or Honai for women , Ebeai serves to make the process of education for adolescent girls. there lived women and children , and mothers . in Ebeai there are mothers to teach things that will be faced by women after it came time to get married or get married . For boys , they lived in Ebeai only temporary . When they grow up they will move to Honai male.

Honai have a spherical shape. Honai roof of conical or dome (dome ). the materials used to build the roof using reed or straw , rattan, forest rope ( root ) ,reeds ,wooden parts or boards and wood for the pole .Honai size is usually 5 meters to 7 meters . Honai populated by women ( Ebeai )
usually shorter .

Honai not built haphazardly, either every place and every time. Usually natural factors become important considerations for building honai . Aspects of security, disaster risk , and things are going to be faced into consideration in making Honai . It is also spoken by the clergy and intellectuals, Papua's central highlands of Papua, Pastor. Socratez Sofyan Yoman, in his book , We Drink Water From the Well of Our Own. The position of the door deliberately positioned toward the sunrise and sunset .

" Honai not have values ​​deep philosophical. Because of this traditional house is a first generation of society the central highlands of Papua was born and raised. Honai also a place to learn about the meaning of life and the interrelationships between humans and the natural environment as well as the creator , so of course there are no other words again , Honai uniqueness must be maintained to avoid quickly eroded the ages, " said Julian Howay , a researcher Papua.

source : http://kebudayaanindonesia.net/kebudayaan/953/honai-rumah-adat-papua


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