Traditional Balinese Dress

Traditional Balinese dress seems to look the same . When in fact very traditional Balinese clothes vary greatly. By looking at the traditional Balinese clothes worn in the show, we can see the economic status and marital status . However , there is no doubt that the traditional Balinese clothes has its own elegance and images.

There are at least three types of common Bali Traditional clothing worn by the people of Bali . First , custom clothing for religious ceremonies . Second , traditional clothes for the wedding ceremony . And the third is a custom clothing for everyday activities . Balinese Traditional clothing is different between worn by both men and women.

For example the use of the bun to the temple by young women . They wear a bun or a dreamer gonjer while for adult women ( already married ) using bun ( Dreamer Tagel ) . Clothing traditional clothes Agung is Bali's most luxurious . Traditional Balinese dress that is usually worn on the series ' Cut Teeth ' or marriage .

Clothing sublime has several variations depending on the place, time and circumstances. The fabrics used in clothing are special guardian for ceremonies or wastra wastra white as a symbol of purity . But, not infrequently fabric traditional Balinese clothes replaced with songket very fit to represent the luxury or prestige to the wearer.

As for men Bali besides using the cloth as a traditional Balinese dress. They also wear a shawl or dodot gelagan used to cover the chest. Meanwhile, women Bali before using Clothing Court normally use a cloth lining called tau Sinjang tapih to pace the lady that looks elegant.
Traditional Balinese dress besides having the value of beauty, but it also terkadung value  philosophical and symbolic value hidden in form, function and meaning. That is why in traditional Balinese dressdecorated by various ornaments and symbols that has its own meaning 

Completeness of traditional Balinese clothes

Completeness of traditional Balinese clothes consisted of several items. The items included Kamen for men, songket for men and women, for men and udeng bun complete with tiara for women . In addition, the people of Bali wearing a dagger, while women use the fan as a complement.
Speaking of price, the traditional Balinese clothes vary greatly. Songket Bali can be obtained with a variant of the price that corresponds to the ability of buyers, which starts from five hundred thousand to millions of rupiah for smooth and subtle to have certain types of gold thread. While commonly used by the people of Bali are under that price, and many are available in traditional markets .

Philosophy of traditional Balinese clothes 
Traditional Balinese clothes have a profound philosophy . Philosophy of traditional Balinese clothes in some cases may be almost the same with most other areas of traditional clothing, but because Bali is one of the holy places and have been all over the world the philosophy of traditional Balinese clothes come to be its completeness. Complete traditional Balinese dress usually worn on important in existence. traditional Balinese clothes have standardization in ceremonial and religious ceremonies or large. While traditional clothing worn daughter's graduation and welcomes guests. Philosophy of traditional Balinese dress is basically rooted in the teachings of Sang Hyang Widhi, the God who is believed to provide shade, peace and joy for Hindus who believe it. Middle when praying or while attending the event are encouraging. As at the time of the birth of a child's party , obtaining the harvest is successful or Each region has different ornaments that have symbolic meaning in their native dress. Nonetheless, traditional Balinese dress is basically the same, namely adherence to Sang Hyang Widhi. This clothing is also often used to distinguish caste, which is made by the man himself. In front of Sang Hyang Widhi, all human beings are equal. Aside from being a form of homage to the creator, traditional Balinese dress is a form of homage to the guests. It is a natural thing, bearing in mind if you as a guest will be honored if welcomed by homeowners who dress nice and neat.

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