Beautiful of Kuta Beach

For tourists in domestic and foreign, enjoy the evening in Bali feels incomplete if you have not watched the sunset at Kuta Beach. Kuta Beach is different from Sanur beach is more desirable because the beauty of the sunrise. In addition to the sunset, Kuta Beach also presents Pretty impressive scenery, white sand beaches crescent shaped Throughout + 2 km .

Before it was transformed into a leading tourism, formerlyKuta Beach is one of the trading ports on the island of Bali which became the center of agricultural products marketing rural community with buyers from outside. In the 19th century, Mads Lange, a Danish merchant, settled and founded the trading headquarters at Kuta Beach . Through negotiation skills, Mads Lange mediates trade between kings in Bali with the Netherlands. On the development of Kuta Beach, Kuta Beach became famous after Hugh Mahbett published a book entitled Praise Kuta. This book contains a call to the local community to establish tourism facilities in order to support the development of tourism in Kuta Beach. Through this book , the discourse construction of tourism facilities increasingly widespread, so the construction of lodging, restaurants , and entertainment venues increased.
As the most popular beaches in Bali, the pulse of tourist activity in Kuta Beach moved from the morning until the early hours. On the morning of Kuta Beach is visited by tourists who want to breathe fresh air, take a stroll, or looking for breakfast. During the day, the tourists both domestic and foreign outstanding enjoying the natural scenery while sunbathing on the beach. There are also families who bring their children to play sand or swimming at the beach.
In the afternoon, the tourists increased to witness the allure of the beach is the sunset. When evening came, the atmosphere is more lively beach. Kuta Beach with the mood of the evening ( nightlife ) is concentrated in a number of places of entertainment.
Another attraction, Kuta Beach has waves that big a challenge for the tourists to make the sport of surfing ( surf ). This place is also often a surfing competition arena of national and world level. Nevertheless, Kuta Beach is also suitable for beginners who are just learning to surf.
To go to Kuta Beach, visitors can embark on a journey from the city of Denpasar. From the capital city of Bali 's Kuta Beach is located approximately 11 km south. From Denpasar tourists can use public transportation services ( taxi or minibus ) with the long journey around 15-20 minutes.
As a center of tourism destinations in Bali, Kuta Beach has a variety of supporting facilities,one of which is a training center and surf equipment rental. For tourists who want to learn to surf, the beach provided special places that rent windsurfing equipment and also guide. This beach is also available in the entertainment arena, such as bungy jumping, water boom as well as other game arena. In addition, along Kuta Beach there are various kinds of cafes, bars, pubs, discos and live music event is always visited by tourists to spend time or just add to the entertainment in the evenings.
For shopping enthusiasts, around Kuta Beach provided souvenir shops that sell handicrafts in variou forms, various kinds of accessories, clothing typical of the coast, as well as T-shirts. Near Kuta Beach also has a supermarket, hotels, guest houses and food stalls as well as a restaurant that serves a variety of dishes with local tastes and flavors globally. If tourists want to just relaxation, on the outskirts of Kuta Beach there are professional masseurs who can directly be hired at a cost of around Rp 20,000 for a half hour and Rp 40,000 for a one hour massage. There are also sellers who have the skills to beautify the appearance of tourists, such as the manufacturer of temporary tattoos, nail color, as well as a hair stylist.

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